Just to let you know where I've been, and why I've missed so much school recently, I have an upper respiratory infection. It is however getting better, and I should be in school for the remainder of the trimester. I am almost entirely caught up in terms of classwork. I still have about half of two worksheets to do. I guess you could say I have one worksheet to do. Because math. Anyways, I also need to make up the quiz that most of the class took on Thursday. I did not fully understand the materials on Wednesday when I left class, but somehow on Sunday when I went to attempt the assignment, I understood it all. It took me quite some time, but I got it all down. So I would like to think that I am ready for the quiz that I will take on Monday. As far as I know, I am ready for the exam as well. Although I did mess up a few questions about limits on the chapter three test. I should review limits. In fact, that's what I'll do right now. See you in class Monday! With all that said, I'm going to do a shameless plug for my BPA Italian Oven Fundraiser now. You should come on Monday night and eat. The proceeds go to the MPATC BPA chapter heres the coupon you bring.

I had a lot of fun taking the test on Monday. Not really, but I didn't struggle with it too much. I think there were two problems I wasn't sure about. I took the test on Monday, and today, on Friday, I don't remember what either of them are. We then moved on to section 4.1, which was largely just review. The only new concept was finding the extremas analytically instead of just graphically. What I am struggling with is section 4.2. I was sick on Wednesday and Thursday so I missed the lesson. I attempted to teach myself the concepts, but I was not successful. While I'm writing this, it is Friday morning, I have not been to your class yet. Hopefully, after going through the 4.2 CCC I will understand everything I need to know, however, if I don't, you can except a meeting from me after class.


I did not realize that we would have the opportunnity to make up points on our quizzes. This could be very helpful for my gpa in the future. It will also encourage me to revisit topics I might have struggled with. In the past I might have just moved on and not learned the subjects. This is very helpful. I actually learned all three of the things I struggled with on the quiz. This is going to make me much more confident going into Mondays test. I'm slightly worried that it is a spiral test. I've never had to deal with that in the past, but I'm pretty solid on limits. I'll leave you with a preview of my mastery whiteboards.