Imagine my surprise when I got back the grade and notes on the two group essays we wrote. I got a D- on both essays. The comments said basically "this was a good essay, but you failed to answer the prompt." My initial reaction, " what prompt?" I had absolutely no idea that the prompt was on the website. After a little bit of research, I learned that about half the class was on the same boat as me. They also either had no idea, or stumbled upon it by accident. I personally don't think it's fair to give people bad grades on an assignment that was not explained properly. I don't want this to sound rude, but that's just how me, and a lot of other people feel about the grades we received on our essays. I put a lot of time and effort into an essay that I believed was supposed to explain fantasy, only to discover that there was a far more specific prompt that I had never heard of. Sorry to be critical, but I think this needs to be said, and I'm not sure if anyone else will say it. The prompt was hidden amongst pictures and stories and quotes it was not even displayed prominently, see! Ok I'm done ranting, see you on Monday.

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